Dan Coombs
Classification: 4.5, Able-bodied
About: Dan is a director and coach for Kamloops Adapted Sports Association (KASA). He is a fierce competitor and looks forward to the world-famous annual Wheelchair Basketball Jamboree every year!
The Dan Challenge:
Attend the 2020 Okanagan Jamboree on June 6th and 7th, 2020: Mark it on your calendars!
Around the World Shooting Challenge:
Begin shooting from the baseline position from a comfortable range.
Continue shooting from that spot until you miss two in a row. Once that happens, progress to the 45° spot and again, repeat shooting until two shots are missed.
Repeat this progression for the free-throw line and two opposite spots on the other side of the key. Additionally, you can shoot from the elbow positions for a total of 7 spots.
This drill is better with people to get your boards so that you can keep your rhythm . If you’re in a groove, you should be in the high double digits. Keep track of your points and always try to improve that number.