These modules are a work in progress, made by various individuals, as a starting point for others to build off of. Each module have been assigned a specific number for each referencing (These numbers do not equate to any order).

Modules Master List

Search the Modules by Categories

  1. Level (Fundamental, Intermediate, Advance)

  2. Audience (Athletes, Coaches, Administration, Support)

  3. Topic (Individual Skill, Team Skill, Coaching Skill, Logistics/Planning)

  4. Author (Joe Higgins, Paul Bowes, Alphonsus To, Derek Hoot)

Modules List

Virtual Training Modules - Pilot Project Set-Up (Notes)

  1. Introduction to Virtual Training

  2. Breakfast Club Website

  3. Overview 3 - Individual Country Log In

  4. At Home 1 - Training Set-Up

  5. At Home 2 - Working in Small Spaces

  6. Scouting and Game Planning

  7. Assessment and Benchmarking

  8. Training Report

  9. Video Analysis 1 - Training Videos

  10. Implementation of Other's Training

  11. Chair Skills

  12. Overview 4 - Colour Coding

  13. Passing and Catching (Derek)

  14. Active Start and Fundamentals

  15. Offensive Phase of Basketball

  16. Defensive Phase of Basketball

  17. Drills 1 - Introduction

  18. Drills 2 - Lay-Up Progression

  19. At Home 3 - Virtual Chair Skills/Pushing Combos

  20. Process Development

  21. Classification 1 - Introduction

  22. Taking Stock of What You Have

  23. Practice Planning Components

  24. Video Analysis 2 - Games

  25. Coaching Philosophy

  26. Understanding the Basketball Court

  27. Rules 1 - Introduction

  28. Classification 2 - Understanding The Basics

  29. Understanding the Basic Chair Set-Up

  30. Sportsmanship Philosophy

  31. Barriers to Involvement

  32. Press / Press Break

  33. Role Development

  34. Observing Practice

  35. Coaching Tools

  36. Habits of a Coach

  37. Practice in Pictures and Videos

  38. Drills 3 - Loading/Unloading/Stacking

  39. Evaluating the Process

  40. Team Selection

  41. Elements of Performance

  42. Virtual Training Check List

  43. Drills 3 - Coaching/Balance/Planning

  44. Recruitment & Retention

  45. At Home 3 - Training & Technology

  46. Communication 1 - Basic English Basketball Terms

  47. Assessing Program's Haves and Needs

  48. Rules 2 - Time Outs

  49. Fouling - Timing, Method and Reasons

  50. Communication 2 - Pictograms

  51. Tools/Magnets

  52. Travel (Method, Planning, Players)

  53. Team Communication

  54. Virtual Coaching Logistics - Camp & Practice

  55. Building a Culture

  56. Paralympics/Major Events

  57. Preparing for SEcondary Competitions

  58. Quizlets

  59. Making Videos

  60. Secondary Communication Methods

  61. Pressing

  62. Press Breaking

  63. Teaching a Virtual Training Session

  64. Learning from the Stand-up Game (Coach Lee Simon)

  65. Stretching Workout for Flexibility (Magic)

  66. Preparing for a Tournament (Derek)

  67. Leadership