Reversible jersey (or pinnies will be provided)
Water bottle
Medical Tape for Blisters
Tentative Schedule:
11:30am - Arrival/Lap Pushing
12pm - Session 1
2pm - Lunch (Burritos from Chipotle)
3pm - Session 2/Jamboree
5pm - Camp Ends
Camp Activities
Scavenger Hunt & Questionnaire
What is your favourite drill ? For each member of your team one point each
What is your favourite sport and why? One point each
Draw a picture on the magnet of three main skills if Wheelchair basketball
Find out who has birthday closest too today?
Interview a coach and find out their favourite food?
How many drills can you name in the training index?
Can you find the skills by class section of the website if so name an
athlete on the page?
How many sections can you find on the website? Here are two to get you started –team resource, training index…
Bonus question who set up the website the breakfast club?
Scavenger hunt for coaches name, how you would use the above in a practice
Go through these pictures and how they relate to Wheelchair Basketball